Meeting: Charter Board

Meeting Time: September 14, 2023 at 6:00pm EDT

Agenda Item

5.a) 9.14.2023 Public Comments

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    Ralph Patterson over 1 year ago

    I support the people of Charles County deciding for themselves the form of government that best suits the needs of the collective group. I applaud the transparency and inclusivity the Charter Board has shown in the face of such a momentous undertaking. Charles is proud of the work you are doing.

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    J R Curtis over 1 year ago

    Section 308 of the 2014 proposed Charles County Charter attempted to establish a process for voters to take legislation to referendum in Charles County. However, Section 308 in paragraph (a) specifically prohibits voter referendum for four important issues. Should the voters have issue with a law imposing a tax, appropriating funds for current expenses, establishing Council Districts or adopting Council Compensation they are prohibited from petitioning the law for voter approval. There needs to be check and balance in the hands of voters for all important issues, else bad government could prevail. This section of the 2014 charter was a step in the wrong direction and was sufficient reason alone for voters to oppose that charter.

    The 2014 Charter Board asserted that the requirements for exclusion of these four items were based on Maryland law. I asked a Maryland State Delegate to verify this. The response is as follows:

    ”In calling the Maryland Attorney General’s Office about this, I was directed to their
    Maryland General Assembly Counsel Office for a review of the matter. Attorney Kathryn
    M. Rowe looked over this section of the Charter Proposal and stated that these are not
    state requirements; however, the Charter Proposal has been written with these inclusions,
    and if it passes in November’s election, these four items will be prohibited from voter
    referendums as part of our Charter Government in Charles County.”

    The Constitution of Maryland correctly characterizes referendum at state level in article XVI: “The people reserve to themselves power known as The Referendum…”

    I, for one, am opposed to relinquishing this unchecked power to Charles County Government. Let’s hope the current board will draft a charter that preserves the people’s power of referendum.

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    kenny kraushaar over 1 year ago

    Want Charter Form?, open letter to the Honorable Charles County Charter Board. September 2023.

    Simply do this and you might have a chance. I am not suggesting support Charter in any way, but I have studied various Charter battles. Otherwise, terminate this board now.

    1. KEEP by district voting so we can find a plurality. Transition commissioner positions to counsel members for the transition period. You might, might.. add a 5th member at large elected, but the board must select the president and vice, not the at large block. The Counsel project handed to Mary, Chris and a couple others.

    2. Accept at large voting ONLY for the County Executive (and if you add a 5th Counsel member at large but NOT an auto President, the Counsel should select their Pres, (like the charter board did)

    3. WRITE into the Charter in perpetuity without a referendum vote, to keep our Elected County Sheriff in its power as an elected public servant. The most powerful Elected human in the County, even though – Charter will give police powers, to the Executive also. Sheriff wins on this one.

    4. KEEP the Vol Fire EMS folks happy and eager to serve, make sure they have a place at the table – they proved they are well audited - without... hiring a $850k per year Fire Chief and staff like PG did.

    5. SHOW an honest fiscal impact, and make sure EVERY member of the Charter Board has looked at and understands the CAFR> Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The Vice Chair of the Charter Board claimed that citizens would get better accountability with budgets in Charter Form. We call this a false statement.

    6.BE HONEST on this increase of 2 staffs, Executive and Legislative - and the support that will be required. Last nights expert claimed she could bring more money into the County as an Executive, with the prestige. What she didn't mention was if there was a change on the Mil Rate for Property Taxes. Most of us are tired of paying $5,000.00 a year rent to the County for property we OWN and get very little County services. Get off the Waldorf At Large voting Train.

    7. FISCAL the salary for this effort should be capped for 8 years @ $98,000. for the Executive, maybe a 2% COLA reviewed every 4 years.. and $28,000. per 4 (or 5) Counsel members, one from each district elected by that district. DO NOT attempt to Re District, it would be an instant loss This salary control would almost make the direct impact cost neutral. The addition staffs etc needs to be explained to the tax payer. And there will be a few months of transition to bare the facts.

    8. LASTLY – We suggest, any current sitting Commissioner cannot run for the Counsel or the Executive for 8 years. We need new blood, new ethics and cooperation. Lets make this not political but effective public servants. Also any primaryy or alternate member of the Charter Board cannot run for the County Executive or County Counsel for 8 years. If the goal is radical change of form, then DO IT.