Meeting: Charter Board

Meeting Time: February 29, 2024 at 6:00pm EST

Agenda Item

3.a) January 11, 2024 Minutes

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    David Heidelbach 12 months ago

    Are transition plans being developed? The Facebook page for Charles County MD For Charter references "the charter document for the transition process" yet I do not see one even in embryonic form. When I asked on the page about it I was told of the 2 year time frame. That is not a plan. There are new departments created that will replace existing ones. Does this happen after an Executive and Council are elected or during a transition phase? What should current employees expect?

    The Vice Chair Person Ms. Butler-Washington (whose name continues to be misspelled on the home page) posted on her Facebook page on February 5 that Charles County had "the highest paid County government employees" with a link to government employee salaries. I do not believe that is accurate but the question is whether the reference means that the charter board is anticipating that county employee salaries will be lowered by a change to charter?